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Council on Aging Minutes 05/07/2008
Minutes of meeting held On May 7, 2008
Meeting opened at 10:15 a.m.

PRESENT: COA members: Frank Antonovitch, Harold Hewinson, Susan Sanders, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, John Reed and Brad Noble. Others: Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock, Outreach Worker: Deb Tierney, Maintenance Manager: Paul Gillis and Kitchen Manager: Don Sanders.

ABSENT: Sara Meier
Minutes of April 2, 2008 accepted.

On 4/24 Danielle Rasys and Wesley Hall came and played Celtic drums and bagpipes, and then sang along with us for over an hour. All of the $6,800 Butterworth funds for fuel assistance has been spent (34 approved applicants). The Memo of Understanding from VOC to renew our program for transportation (with Lois Dupre) is here for signature. This raised a question as to the transportation of a former resident and still a taxpayer who lives out of town when a medical appointment requires transportation by Louis Dupre. According to VOC this service is only for Holland residents. Note: a heated discussion between Deb and Paul followed. Further discussion with council members resulted in Paul leaving the meeting. Later Mr. Johnson, selectman, joined the meeting and approved the transportation of this person with the understanding that when their home in Holland is sold, the service will end. On May 16 I will be having surgery and may be out for 3 – 4 weeks. I will be working at home and will be in touch with Margaret. I need some mailing tabs for the news letters. Motion made seconded and approved for this purchase. In April, 26 unduplicated clients served and 103 service units provided. We have been fortunate in obtaining an agreement with Springfield Partners for Community Action to have our own full-time (20 hours/week) Senior Aide who can serve as Activities Director.

No report.  

In April, 757 contacts made, 62 seniors served, 265 attended Senior Center, 109 attended congregate meals and the balance includes cards & games (59), exercise (41), senior tax work off program (20), Entertainment by Danielle and Wesley (30), No sew blankets (6), Movies (16), Intergenerational meals (101) and other.

FINANCIAL: Brad Noble, Treasurer  
 Receipts in April were: GSSSI $583.33. Expenditures in April were: telephone $57.76, M Crock salary $660.00, Deb Tierney wages $587.50, Electric $161.19, Trash pickup $28.73, Managers wages $520.00, Gas $479.03, Supplies $37.59, Postage $106.60, Security $75.00, Exercise classes $120.00, Lawn care $47.25, Mileage $358.09, Annual exterminating service $165.00 and correction of Aug 07 charge –(143.50).

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Margaret Crock, Deb Tierney & Olive Nixon
Usual activities include: games-cards, cribbage, scrabble, blood pressure clinic, and regular lunches on Mondays, the 2nd Wednesday (birthdays) and on the 4th Wednesday. Corinne Lavallee’s “no-sew blankets” for service men held on Thursdays at 11:15. An Arthritis Foundation exercise class is changed to Wednesday’s at 10:00 a.m. ? Cribbage is held each Thursday at 12:30.  Computer classes for seniors are available upon request.  All computers are operational and may be used by seniors anytime the center is open. Expect Mah Jongg to start soon. It is also on the computer. Blood pressure clinic is held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 11:15 by Ms. Joan Dusoe, R.N. This is provided by Harrington Memorial Hospital’s Preventive Health Cardiovascular & Endocrine Wellness Screening Program. AVADA will hold a Hearing screening & cleaning of hearing aids on June 12 from 1 to 3. Movies are shown on Thursday at 1:00 p.m. On Tuesday’s from 11:00 a.m. to noon a craft class in making of hats and mittens for second graders is held. On June 4th, Holland Pizza will supply pizza for lunch at the Center. On June 18th we will have our “Pot luck lunch” and the “Friends” will supply the makings for “make your own sundaes”. On May 19th Attorney Robert Bishop will speak on Elder law and JoAnne Higgins from the assessor’s office will speak on tax exemptions.

SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
Year to date, $2,502.50 has been charged to the Senior Center, $1,965.50 to the School, $698.00 to the Tax office, $418.50 to the Assessors office and $194.00 to the Town Clerk.

Motion made, seconded and approved to reimburse Paul $58.84 for plant supplies. Thanks to Corinne Lavalle, she has obtained Hosta Plants from a friend and is going to replant them at the Senior Center.
Motion made, seconded and approved to purchase the fire extinguisher for the kitchen for approx. $200.00.
All of the above reports were accepted by the Council on Aging.

Brad reported that he submitted our complaint about the new serving package to GSSSI.

 Ms. Beverly Aube from the Friends of HRA submitted an application for use of the Senior Center. This is a fund raising activity for lake projects. They wish to have a pancake breakfast on June 29th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Approx. 80 will attend. Set up will be on Saturday night, June 28th. The application was approved and signed by Margaret and Frank. Received a request to be on the Council on Aging from Carolyn Reardon and she was given a copy of our handbook as required. Frank submitted his notice that he will retire from the HCC at the end of his term, 6/30/2008. Brad also indicated that he will resign at the end of his term on 6/30/2008. Brad will be available during the transition of his position as Treasurer. The following reappointments for a 2 year term are Harold Hewinson and Susan Sanders and for a 1 year term are Margaret Crock, Deb Tierney, Don Sanders and Paul Gillis were submitted to the Selectpersons for approval. It was voted that Ms. Sara Meier would not be reappointed to the Council.

CORRESPONDENCE – Distributed as received.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

Submitted by:  Brad Noble, Secretary  
Annual Meeting on June, 2008                                                                                            
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of May 7, 2008
Outreach, Friends of Holland Seniors, Senior Ctr. Director, Finance, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Maintenance Report, Kitchen Report,
Old Business, New Business, Election of Officers, Correspondence